What if
Life was a game of tennis.
We all start with love all
We follows our heart from the beginning
Our natural self will thrive

What if nobody said
Don’t cry like a girl
Be a man
Instead stay true to yourself, to your feelings
It’s ok to be a man and cry

What if they didn’t tell you
Old wives tales
And say be lady like Adjust and adapt
Instead you were guided to be authentic
Speak up with your power

What if you were told
That you are a blessing because you are a girl
This is where you belong

What if
The world order
Turned on its head
The culture was what we all co created
Not something that came as a legacy ,which we had to preserve.

What if we called
Day night and night day
What will change

What if we all listened to each other
Built deep relationship
And commercials did not matter
It could start with
Love All.

Ends with
Love all

Sush Says